Loud noises from construction, traffic, and busy warehouses keep us awake at night and get under our skin. The traditional way many companies deal with intrusive sound is to build a concrete or brick wall to bounce the sound waves back into the atmosphere and away from the source of the sound.
While such materials can be effective at blocking noise from passing through them, they also redirect the sound to other areas; and do nothing to reduce echoes and reverberations.
What Is Sound Absorbing Treatment?
Panels designed to absorb sound do not reflect sound; they get rid of it. Absorptive barriers use a perforated outer material that allows noise to enter the panels, while a core of secondary materials diffuses the incoming sound waves, helping to prevent them from passing through the panel or reflecting off the panel. Since highway traffic is one of the most common noise culprits in our society, the use of these sound-absorbing materials is widely sought-after for use as freeway noise barriers.
Why Absorptive Noise Barriers Over Reflective?
Believe it or not, parallel reflective barriers on both sides of a road can cause more problems than they solve. The walls can cause sound waves to reverberate back and forth across the road before pouring over the tops of the barriers and into the surrounding residences. Absorptive noise barriers decrease the effect of reflected sound waves, thus eliminating the source of the issue.
A Typical Concrete Barrier Wall Will Not Reduce Reflected Noise
A concrete wall is solid, so it will not absorb anything. Sound waves hit the wall and bounce off into other directions. The wall simply causes noise to reenter the atmosphere at a different trajectory or angle than it began.
Offensive noise is just directed away from the source. Concrete and masonry walls are outdated solutions that can actually cause more problems than they fix.
Benefits Of Our Noise-Absorbing Material:
- Custom applications
- Variety of size, shape, and colors to select
- Mobility
- Ease of setup and takedown
- Non-corrosive
- Weatherproof
- Lightweight
- Easy to recycle when the job is complete
- Eliminates noise rather than reflecting it
- Better mood and sleep patterns
- Less depression, anger, and anxiety
“Noise-Killing” Walls Are A Better Solution For All Involved
Sound-absorptive noise barrier help protects local habitats and animals. It keeps the neighboring community healthier and happier. Sound deadening walls protect work crews from the effects of sound waves from heavy machinery. Getting rid of noise is a better idea than sending it in another direction, according to many residents that live alongside freeway barrier walls made of concrete.
Getting rid of offensive noises is a much better way to comply with noise ordinances and regulations. Reducing noise is a more effective sound barrier solution for everyone involved because it eliminates the need for additional problem solving and takes care of the offensive sounds at the same time.
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